Webinars & Discussions
CBRCanada hosts e-Learning events and Community of Practice gatherings to bridge capacities and foster community-based research excellence. Below are e-Learning recordings and discussion summaries, organized from the most recent to earlier. Upcoming webinars and Community of Practice are posted on the Events page.
Webinar - "Prévention de l'itinérance jeunesse |
Youth Homelessness Prevention"
Sue-Ann MacDonald, Professeure agrégée, Faculté des arts et des sciences - École de travail social, Université de Montréal
Mélodie Cordeau, Représentante du Comité Jeunes+
Yami Morin, co-chercheur jeunesse
​​Sue-Ann MacDonald, Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Sciences - School of Social Work, University of Montreal. Mélodie Cordeau, Representative of the youth committee. Yami Morin, youth co-researcher.

Infographic Discussion Summary
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