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Report: Facilitation for Community Transformation

Authors: Kari Grain, Khari Wendell McClelland and Tara Mahoney

Introducing our new handbook, a free and accessible resource for those interested in using facilitation to advance community interests. Whether you're new to facilitation or a seasoned expert, this guide offers valuable insights for community-engaged research and beyond. Perfect for researchers, students, and university leaders, it provides practical advice and strategies for supporting communities through social transformation.

Community-Engaged Research (CER) is constituted by the active participation of the people and communities who are most affected by research. As such, community-engaged researchers often find themselves in positions where they serve as a facilitator of community connections, whether through interviews, focus groups, workshops, community meetings, advocacy efforts or other relational contexts. Facilitation, therefore, is a vital skill in the toolbox of a community-engaged researcher.

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