This report presents the results of a needs assessment on the impact of COVID-19 on Spanish-speaking Latin Americans residing in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The need for this research was first identified by members of the Toronto Latin American COVID-19 Task Force in 2021 while advocating for the needs of communities most affected by the pandemic.
The study used qualitative semi-structured interviews to explore the challenges experienced by twenty-four Latin American participants, including community members and service providers, as they navigated the health, social, and economic impacts of the pandemic.
Despite awareness of inequities in Toronto and other areas, research on the perspectives and experiences of specific communities throughout the pandemic remains limited. Gaining an understanding of the experiences of Spanish-speaking Latin Americans in Toronto can provide insight into the factors that contribute to these inequities and identify the necessary supports and services to effectively address these disparities in the post-pandemic recovery phase.
The report, and infographic, is also available in Spanish.
English Report:
Assessing Health Inequities: Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Toronto’s Spanish-Speaking Latin American Population
Reporte en Español:
El impacto de la pandemia del COVID-19 en la salud de la población latinoamericana de habla hispana en Toronto: Un análisis de desigualdades
Infografía en Español:
Wellesley Institute Website: Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Toronto’s Spanish-Speaking Latin American Population