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Community-Based Research Canada

Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy: Call for abstract submissions

The Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy invites abstract submissions for the special issue “Democratic Pedagogies: Practices, Challenges, and Visions of Democratic Futures in Education”. We seek contributions that explore what it entails to practice democracy in a diversity of learning environments, including the university classroom. The classroom is a space which exists within a complex co-constitutive web of intersectional structural, epistemic, material, and institutional hierarchies, including, and not limited to racial, gendered, class, and ability. Pedagogy itself was at the core of European colonialism and the ‘teacher’ has been described as an agent of imperialism (Inayatullah, 2022). Despite this, the classroom and education more generally are regarded as fundamental for fostering active and engaged citizenship within a democracy, and are sites of continued protest, power struggle, and decolonization around the world (Giroux, 1988, 2022, 2023 and UCT, 2019).

Abstract submisssions due: January 19, 2024

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