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Explore the latest news in community-based research across Canada, including community-based initiatives, new publications, and wise practices in community-based research.
Feb 1, 2018
Strategy: "National Inuit Strategy on Research". 2018
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. (2018). National Inuit Strategy on Research. ITK. About: The purpose of the National Inuit Strategy on Research...
Feb 1, 2017
Article: "Advancing community-based research in Canada." 2017.
Taylor, S. M., & Ochocka, J. (2017). Advancing community-based research in Canada . International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development...
Feb 1, 2017
Article: "Ceremonies of Relationship: Engaging Urban Indigenous Youth in Community Research" 2017
Bird-Naytowhow, K., Hatala, A., Pearl, T., Judge, A., & Sjoblom, E. (2017). Ceremonies of Relationship: Engaging Urban Indigenous Youth...
Feb 1, 2017
Discussion Paper: “Maximizing the Capacities of Advanced Education Institutions..." 2017.
Strandberg, Coro. (2017) “Maximizing the Capacities of Advanced Education Institutions to Build Social Infrastructure for Canadian...
Jan 1, 2017
Book: Communicating Science Effectively
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2017. Communicating Science Effectively: A Research Agenda. Washington, DC:...
Feb 1, 2016
Article: When you follow your heart, you provide that path for others: Indigenous Models of Youth HIV Leadership
R. Monchalin, S. Flicker, C. Wilson, T. Prentice, V. Oliver, R. Jackson, J. Larkin, C. Mitchell, J.P. Restoule and The Native Youth...
Feb 1, 2015
Toolkit: "Key Practices for Community Engagement in Research on Mental Health or Substance Use."
Ross, L., et. al. (2015). Key Practices for Community Engagement in Research on Mental Health or Substance Use. Centre for Addiction &...
Feb 1, 2015
Book Chapter: “Strengthening Community University Research Partnerships: Global Perspectives" 2015.
Hall, Budd, Rajesh Tandon, Crystal Tremblay. (2015) “Strengthening Community University Research Partnerships: Global Perspectives"....
May 16, 2014
Article: "Breathing life into theory: Illustrations of community-based research–Hallmarks..." 2014.
Ochocka, J., & Janzen, R. (2014). Breathing life into theory: Illustrations of community-based research–Hallmarks, functions and phases ....
Feb 1, 2014
Case Studies: "Canadian Case Studies for the National Summit on Community-Based Research." 2014.
This publication showcases 12 best exemplars of community-campus case studies presented at the National Summit in Waterloo, ON. There are...
Feb 1, 2014
Book chapter: "Bringing community and university scholars together on a national stage". 2014.
Ochocka, J. (2014). Bringing community and university scholars together on a national stage: The Canadian Community University Exposition...
Feb 1, 2011
Toolkit: "Participatory Action Research Toolkit".
Pain, R., Whitman, G., Milledge, D., and Lune Rivers Trust. (2011). Participatory Action Research Toolkit: An Introduction to Using PAR...
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