Toolkit: Dewemaagannag : My Relations Indigenous Engagement Guide (2023)
Explore the latest news in community-based research across Canada, including community-based initiatives, new publications, and wise practices in community-based research.
Toolkit: "A field guide to Public Policy Collage"
Report: Modernizing Scholarship for the Public Good: An Action Framework for Public Universities
Podcast: Challenging the norm: Equity, diversity, and education with Dr. Ardavan Eizadirad
Toolkit and other Resources: Family Caregiving Project
Report from the field: "Co-authorship with Community Partners as Research Co-creation"
Report: "Quiet Alarm: A Review of CBC's Climate Reporting"
Report: "Research 101: a Manifesto for Ethical Research in the Downtown Eastside". 2019
Book: Enacting anti-racism and activist pedagogies in teacher education: Canadian perspectives. 2023
Podcast: Sarah Marie Wiebe searches for strategies to resist disaster and incite joy
Article: "Democratising expertise: A call to (institutional) arms." 2023.
Article: "More Than Personal Communication: Templates for Citing Indigenous Elders..." 2021
Report and Story Map: "A Hot Topic: Feeling the Impacts of Extreme Heat" (2023)
Report and Interactive Map: Access to Public Washrooms in Guelph Project
Featured Books & Reports: 2023 to 2001
Reports: The National FUTURES/forward Community-Engaged Art Mentorship Program. 2023
Report: "Supporting Peer Work". 2023
Book: "Life against States of Emergency: Revitalizing Treaty Relations from Attawapiskat". 2023
Podcast: Preventing and addressing violence in schools with Dr. Ardavan Eizadirad.