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Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addictions Program - Call for Proposals

Community-Based Research Canada

Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP) has opened calls for proposals for folks working to address substance use issues across the continuum of care. Applications are due November 22, 2023.

Budget 2023 committed $359.2M over five years, starting in 2023-24, to support a renewed Canadian Drug and Substances Strategy (CDSS). The CDSS guides the federal government's work in an effort to save lives and minimize substance-related harms for people who use drugs and alcohol, their families, and communities.

Building on previous efforts to develop innovative, community-led approaches, Budget 2023 includes $144M for SUAP to fund community-based supports, and evidence-based health interventions.

Through this 2023 national call for proposals (CFP), SUAP will fund projects that address substance use issues across the continuum of care.

Funding priorities

Funding priority 1 - Supporting and enhancing the role of People with Lived and Living Experience (PWLLE) within organizations that address substance use across the comprehensive continuum of care

Projects that provide support or resources for PWLLE, including peers, to enhance their role within an organization.

This includes:

  • training or building skills among PWLLE to support prevention, harm reduction, and treatment and recovery initiatives

  • supporting peer frontline workforce, providing resources and support for burn out, grief, and self-care

Priority will be placed on projects that:

  • position PWLLE roles as leadership-based, significant and equitable across the organization

  • include the goal of changing culture within the organization to be more inclusive of PWLLE

Funding priority 2 - Services and programs that target post treatment aftercare and transition back into the community

Projects that develop, implement, and evaluate support or services targeting the transition of individuals back into the community - either reintegration after accessing health services (e.g., hospital stays, treatment services, waitlist), or institutional or correctional services (e.g., prison, jail, probation/parole).

This includes:

  • services or programs that are recovery-oriented, strengths-based and/or person-centered and may or may not include abstinence

  • services or programs that incorporate other components regarding healthy living (e.g., sleep hygiene and eating well)

  • services or programs that can be delivered through traditional health services, the community or peers

Priority will be placed on projects that:

  • focus on developing and piloting services with diverse populations disproportionately impacted by substance use or who have worse outcomes during aftercare and reintegration (e.g., women can experience more difficult withdrawal symptoms than men)

Funding priority 3 - Addressing alcohol use disorder

Projects that develop and deliver new or innovative programs or tools for Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), including for screening, brief intervention and referral to services (SBIR).

This includes:

  • adaptation of tools for priority populations at greater risk for AUD, for example, specific to gender, age, sexuality, or race

  • projects that increase uptake of SBIR tools by healthcare professionals, for example, in community health centres or harm reduction programs

Priority will be placed on projects where:

  • people with lived and living experience are integrated in the development and delivery of tools and programs

  • the goal is to develop and validate culturally-safe and trauma-informed SBIR tools

Funding Priority 4 - Addressing adult tobacco cessation

Projects that contribute to innovative cessation supports, including those going beyond the individual and promote a systematic approach that will sustain change.

This includes:

  • projects that focus on developing innovative stop-smoking supports in populations with a high prevalence of tobacco use (i.e., trades-based occupations, 2SLGBTQIA+, low-income and low-education populations, etc.) with opportunity for replication at a national scale

  • tobacco cessation projects that incorporate vaping as a cessation tool and harm reduction measure for adults who smoke

  • projects that transfer or apply evidence-based knowledge directly into the health care system, including knowledge that will help build capacity to implement and embed smoking cessation services within the health system. Projects with this goal must include approaches that are person-centered and contain harm reduction principle.

More information:

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