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Call for Abstracts: 6th Annual Conference BC Substance Use Conference

Community-Based Research Canada

Abstract submissions are now being accepted for the 6th Annual Conference BC Substance Use Conference, taking place May 31 & June 1, 2024 in Vancouver, B.C..

To enable province-wide participation, they will be hosting a blended conference this year, with both virtual and in-person options for attendance. The in-person program will be held at the Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel.   

The conference theme this year is From Idea to Implementation: Putting Evidence, Experience, and Ways of Knowing into Action. We hope this theme will facilitate discussions focused on ways to implement new and innovative research, clinical guidance, and accumulating clinical and lived experience into an accessible, flexible, inclusive, equitable, and person-centred system of substance use care that is able to adjust to the rapidly evolving needs of people who use substances.

Specifically, the conference learning objectives include:

1. Identify approaches for implementing clinical guidance and public health programming that are responsive and tailored to a constantly shifting substance use landscape

2. Describe strategies to assess and implement novel substance use treatments and innovative practices

3. Describe emerging substance use research and strategies to advance substance use care, policy, programming, and advocacy

4. Demonstrate culturally safe and humble approaches to substance use care and research that improve health and social outcomes for Indigenous people who use substances

5. Practice person-centered strategies to engage people who use substances and their chosen families in the full spectrum of substance use care based on individual needs, goals, and preferences

Abstract submissions due February 26, 2024.

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