We hope this message greets everyone doing well. Fall is always such a busy time in both the community and academic worlds as well as at CBRCanada. There are lots of activities on the horizon this fall. We use this opportunity to share information about upcoming CBRCanada events and news.
First, some very good news: we can confirm that Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario will be hosting the next C2UExpo 2023 in person gathering June 5 - 8, 2023. During the pandemic we hosted two mini online awards based C2UExpos, but we are thrilled to have our first in person gathering since 2017 at SFU in Vancouver. We can’t wait to gather in Thunder Bay, learn about the local context of community engaged research, and to connect with colleagues from across Canada, North America and our international friends as well. It will be a great moment of learning and celebration. A big thanks to Anne Klymenko and the team at Lakehead for making this happen.
We also want to announce some staffing and board membership updates. We are thrilled that Julia Coburn is coming back to CBR Canada (after maternity leave) as our Secretariat Coordinator. She is joined by Amanda Demmer who will serve as the CRBCanada Program Coordinator. Please feel free to reach out to Julia and Amanda to say hello, and to welcome them to the team. In terms of the Board of Directors, we continue to grow with new members who bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table to represent the more than 50 institutional members of CBR Canada. Thank you to our newest members, Karen Edwards and Jino Distasio for your contribution and commitment to the board.
As one last piece of housekeeping before we talk about our stellar fall program series, please save the date for our Annual General Meeting which will take place on November 2nd, via ZOOM, at 4:30pm ET.
And now to the fall program. This fall CBRCanada will be hosting a series of learning and discussion events that will dive into the work of past CBRCanada Community-Based Research Excellence award winners. The three sessions are as follows:
Session 1: October 27th at 12 noon ET 
Speakers: Petra Schulz (Moms Stop the Harm), Heather Morris (RN, PhD, University of Alberta), and Rebecca Haines-Saah (Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary) 
Session 2: November 10th at 12 noon ET 
Speaker: Melissa Tremblay (Métis scholar, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta) 
Session 3 December 15th at 12 noon ET 
Speakers: Mosom Rick Lightening (Elder and Knowledge Holder, Ermineskin Cree Nation) and Dr. Richard T. Ostler (Scientific Director, Indigenous Wellness Core, Alberta Health Services) 
 We’re continuing with our Community of Practice, which meets the second Friday of every other month. These gatherings actively bring together CBRCanada members from across Canada and beyond to engage in meaningful discussions and exchange best practices. All involved in community-based research are welcome, whether you are a researcher, peer-researcher, student, project coordinator, administrator, director, or community leader. The next COP will be December 9th facilitated by Daniel Gan (Postdoctoral Fellow at the Gerontology Research Centre, SFU). 
As ever, a lot going on at CBRCanada! We look forward to connecting with you over the coming months online and to see you in person, in beautiful Thunder Bay, in spring 2023.
Have a great fall.
Steve and Joanna